Gaya Kepemimpinan Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kinerja

Studi Kasus di SMP Islam Durenan Kabupaten Trenggalek

  • Mahsun STIT Suri Trenggalek



A person's leadership can be seen from his leadership style. Leadership style is a consistent pattern of behavior that is applied when influencing other people. Through a leader's leadership style, he will transfer several values such as group emphasis, support from people/employees, tolerance for risk, reward criteria and so on. The principal's leadership greatly influences school management, as a complex and unique institution. The principal is involved in input, process (institution management) and output. Of these three things, the process is something that is the school's responsibility. The success or failure of an educational institution is largely determined by the leadership creation of the school principal. The choice of leadership system and approach used by a manager or superior to motivate employees depends on the type of manager. Apart from that, what cannot be ignored are other situational factors. Leadership deals with and simultaneously takes care of people, not things. Leadership must have value, if leadership is carried out without value, without commitment and without belief, it will not produce essence, it can lead to disaster.


Keywords: Leadership Style, Management, Performance, Motivation.
