Tanggung Jawab Manusia Terhadap Keluarga Dan Masyarakat Dalam Perspektif Al-Qur'an

  • Mahsunudin STIT Suri Trenggalek


Every human being must have a sense of responsibility, that sense of responsibility must be adjusted to what has been done. Responsibility is natural, meaning that it is part of human life that every human being is burdened with responsibility. Humans feel responsible because they are aware of the good or bad consequences of their actions, and also realize that other parties require justice or sacrifice. Responsibility towards the family, apart from being filial to our parents, we are also responsible for maintaining our good name. welfare, safety, education, and family life. Apart from the family sphere, we will also be faced with social life, that is, humans cannot live without the help of other humans, in accordance with their position as social creatures. In the scope of social life, of course we cannot be separated from our responsibilities in society. Social responsibility is part of the obligations imposed on every human being to be fulfilled together, both within the family and community, including social responsibilities related to God. Humans as social creatures will always maintain communication and attachment between each other, including in carrying out social responsibilities. The Qur'an uses the word “masulan” and several other words which indicate the meaning of responsibility.

Keyword: Responsibility, Human, Family, Community, Qur’an
