Kiat-Kiat Membangun Strategi Pembelajaran Emansipatoris Pada Pendidikan Dasar Islam

  • M. Triono Al Fata triono STIT Sunan Giri Trenggalek


Building strategies for emancipatory learning in Islamic basic education requires a lot of learning from the journey of Islamic education from the past to developing with models and styles that are relevant to current developments. How Islamic Education theories are formulated in such a way that they can adapt to developments in the world of education and technology. So that we can work together to build a civilization that is relevant to the developments and needs of the times. So tips and strategies for building emancipatory learning need to continue to be developed and can be integrated with the values ​​of basic Islamic education. More collaboration in finding a format for Islamic basic education will in time foster a culture of emancipatory learning in Islamic basic education that is relevant to current developments.

Keywords: Strategy, Learning, Emancipatory, Islamic Basic  Education
