Pengamalan Pendidikan Ilmu Tasawuf Dalam Kitab al-Hikam Syekh Ibnu’ Atha’ Illah as-Sakandari

  • Abu Amar Bustomi UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Muhammad Umar UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Sufism is a science that studies efforts to clean oneself, fight against lust, try to find the cleanliness of the heart with ma'rifat towards immortality, remind each other and try to make self-awareness between humans, and hold fast to Allah's promises and follow the Shari'a of Rasulullah SAW in getting closer and reach His pleasure. Through library research, which is studied scientifically regarding the practice of Sufism education in the Kitab Al-Hikam of Sheikh Ibn "Atha" illah as-Sakandari. From the three focus issues concerning 1) the biography of Sheikh ibn 'Athaillah As-Sakandari 2) the practice of Sufism education in the book of Al-Hikam Sheikh Ibn' Atha'illah as-Sakandari, and 3) the values ​​of the Sufism education practice, can be obtained that Sheikh Ibn Athaillah has the full name of al-Arif Billah Abi Fadhil Tajuddin Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Abdul Karim bin Athaillah al-Asakandari al-Judzami al-Maliki al-Syadzili. He was born in  Alexandria, Egypt at 648 Hijriyah. A scholar, a fiqh expert, muhaddis, and a Sufi scholar with a background in Asy'ariyah Theology and the Syadzaliyah Order. The essence of practising the teachings of Ibn Athoillah's Sufism education is a sense of sincerity as the spirit of all deeds. While the values ​​of practising Sufism education contained are at-taubah, as-sobru, wara, zuhud, taslim, tawakal, khouf, and mahabbah.
