• Hj Najahah Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Kediri




The quality of life of a nation is determined by education. Education has a very important role to create intelligent life, peaceful, open, and democratic.   Therefore, education reform should always be done in order to improve the quality of national education.

Understanding of the absorption of student learning is the student's ability to learn what is being taught, read, heard and learned. While elements of absorption in roses P Learning divided by 3 things: memory, thinking and motives

Absorption Function Students In Learning, according to Amin Abdullah absorption for children as follows: Absorption can improve insight and mindset of a child, as a powerful driving force. Achievement is always influenced by a high absorption, absorption can increase the interest in learning and to improve the quality of student learning.

Potential absorption assortment of student learning that some students who have studied the absorption of high, medium, and low. According to Piet A. Sahertian measure students' level of absorption can be divided into three areas: advanced students, students and students who lack enough. Why absorption study each student / learner vary, of course, this is due to many factors. Absorption factors for students are high, such as the interest of students to learn, convenient or conducive environment, teachers can be friends (close) to the learners.

While the students' absorption factor is low due to less optimal use of brain function, for example not familiar with culture of reading, so that the brain is slow in analyzing, usually a habit to learn just memorize, less exercise and directional memory / mind, are malfunctioning of the system and the brain, IQ, or the capacity of children is inadequate, disorders of sensory (lack of hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch), loss of information absorbed / forget, sometimes deliberately forgotten and the presence of genes or hereditary factors.

Basically absorption measuring instrument together with a tool for assessing the success of teaching and learning, while to measure and evaluate the success rate of learning can be done through achievement test (achievent test). Based on the purpose and scope, learning achievement tests can be classified in several types of assessment, namely: Test, formative, tests Sub - Summative and Summative tests


Keywords: Potential, Absorption, Learners


Daftar Pustaka
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___________ “Psikologi Belajar” Jakarta, Rineka Cipta, 2008
Kartono, Kartini “Psikologi Umum” Bandung, Mandar Maju, 1996
Sardiman A.M “Interaksi & Motivasi Belajar Mengajar” Jakarta, Raja Grafindo Persada, 2012
Zuhairini dkk “Filsafat Pendidikan Islam” Jakarta, Bumi Aksara, 2009