• M. Isfironi M. Bisri Djalil Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Miftahul Ula Nganjuk



A thing closely related to bustle the life of the religious contemporary is radicalism phenomenon. The question is: Does Islam teach radicalism? The answer of this question always problematic. It is caused by every religion (either Islam or the other) viewed as an acceptance that granted as a divinity instrument that teaches everything in goodness. Islam is a religion that provide of security, comfort, calmness as more strengthening for all its adherents. In Indonesia, radical Islamic groups often associated with groups like company of Salafy (Bandung), Islamic Youth Front (FPIS), Islamic Defender Front (FPI), Jihad’s Troop of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah, The Tribunal of Indonesian Mujahidin, Hizbut Tahrir of Indonesia. The movement of Islam in Indonesia cannot be viewed as a monolithic movement or uniform in the same of political interest. That moment, political global movement has variation in the perspective, motive, strategy and action. One thing that same as the source of radicalism is the definition of the concept of jihad. Eventually, the construction of jihad affects the Islamic propaganda (dakwah) ideology and movement. Ideally the realization of the concept of Jihad is not led to radicalism. If indeed reflect to the era of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), then it must be conceived with the conditions encountered at that time.


Key Words: Islamic Propaganda, Jihad, Radicalism


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