• Muhammad Lukman Syafii Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo




Teacher competency standards include pedagogical, personal, professional and social competences. In line with the global challenges of life, the roles and responsibilities of teachers in the future will become more complex, so it requires teachers to constantly perform various improvements and adjustments in the mastery of their competences. To add to the quality standards of teachers, Kemdikbud will propose three teacher training patterns, e.g. competency testing, Penilaian Kinerja Guru (PKG), and training on an ongoing basis and sustainable (PKB). One of the many activities of PKB for self-development is the activities performed by the teacher independently and carried out by teachers in collaboration with other teachers in the school. Implementation of this activity is relatively more independent and different from one teacher to another teacher in the school, as well as between oneto another school. Technically, this activity is not set by default. It is very likely to cause a variety of problems for teachers, perhaps even confusion can arise. All of which is feared will lead to the counter-productive, particularly with regard to achievement standards to increase the competence of teachers should meet the need independently.

KeyWords: Competence Enhancement, Independen


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