ISLAM DAN RADIKALISME (Diskursus: Perilaku Kekerasan Atas Nama Agama di Indonesia)

  • Muhammad Saini



Islam and Religious Radicalism are happening in Indonesia have been meaningful and double-faced. So, it can be said that Islam ancient (classic) with the contemporary (modern) are very different and even contrary to what has been taught by the Prophet Muhammad and that has been stated in the Qur'an. Radicalism that emerged in Indonesia are mostly departing from dissatisfaction and their desire to make or implement Islamic law in Indonesia. For them, the injustice, the amount of corruption, prolonged crisis and disharmony between the rich and the poor are the result of failure to apply the Islamic law. Radicalism is not suitable in Islamic teaching, so it is not worth to be addressed in the Islamic religion. Because the real Islam there is not such thing radicalism. In the Qur'an and the Hadith it self ordered his people to respect and love and be gentle to others although the followers of other faiths. Violence in the name of religion that led to this kind of distortion understanding of Islam. Religious legitimacy toward the act of violence has very complex content. In this context, at least there are two important factors that led Islamic religion is seen as "problematic" because of misguided thinking and misinterpretation the meaning and understanding of "jihad".

Key Words: Islam, Jihad, Radicalism


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