Transformasi Pengajaran Tata Bahasa Arab dalam Buku 'Maharah Lughawiyah' Karya Rusydi Ahmad Thu’aimah
Abstract: Language is the primary tool in disseminating knowledge, intercultural communication, and the inheritance of civilization. Arabic language teaching is essential in education, especially in Islamic countries. In language teaching, the three key elements are sound, word, and structure, with grammar or "talking" being a vital aspect of ensuring meaning accuracy. This article reviews the levels of grammar study in Arabic language teaching based on Rusydi Ahmad Thu'aimah's research. Thu'aimah identified three levels of grammar teaching: beginner, intermediate, and advanced, with a different focus on each level. A descriptive and analytical approach was used in this study, with data collected from academic literature and field research. The results show that proper teaching methods and classifying materials based on learner levels can improve Arabic comprehension and language skills. However, challenges still exist in teaching Arabic grammar to non-native speakers, often caused by inappropriate teaching methods. Updates in grammar teaching programs are needed to match the learner's level of understanding, using effective learning methods such as deductive, inductive, problem-solving, grammatical, and grammatical translation. This gradual approach can help learners master Arabic more effectively.
Keywords: Level of study, Grammar, Rusydi Ahmad Thu'aimah
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Asbarin, Asbarin, Umi Machmudah, Nabila Nailil Amalia, and Moch Taufik. “An Analysis on The Principles of Arabic Textbooks for Madrasah Aliyah in Indonesia: Based on The Ministry of Education and Rusydi Ahmad
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