Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk Anak-Anak

  • dewi aan stai diponegoro tulungagung


Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk Anak-Anak

Dewi Hidayati

STAI Diponegoro Tulungagung



This aims of this study to examine Teaching English for Young Learner. The Purposes of the study to get theoretical about the important of teaching English as foreign language for young learner. In the curriculum of education in primary or elementary school, English is not a must to be learnt. However, English is very important to learn earlier to face in globalization era. Teaching English is very important for young learner. While young learners learn English earlier it made them easy to memorize of the material.  This study shows that teaching English for young learner need concerned with the age of the students. Young language learners are those who are learning a foreign or a second language and who are doing so during the first six and seven years of formal schooling. In the education system of most countries, young learners are children who are in the primary or elementary school. In term of age young learner are between the ages of approximately five and twelve.

Key word: Teaching, English, Young learner
