As the oldest educational institution in Indonesia, pesantren has manifested all ot of quality alumni who have valuable and big roles in many life fields either in science or leadership field. The government then appreciates this role by launching mu’adalah program, that is commitment to acknowledge the equality between pesantren alumni who perform mu’adalah with SMA/MA level as formal education institution. This article describes mu’adalah program in Madrasatul ‘Ulya Pesantren Miftahul Mubtadiin Krempyang Nganjuk which use consensus management principle. The planning process conducted by this pesantren are two, they are strategic and annual program planning. In strategic planning, the pesantren arranges vision, mission, pesantren and madrasah purpose, preparing lesson plan and curriculum clearly. The planning kind is combination of bottom-up and top down planning. Organizing, in this case, is forming organization and curriculum structure, the distribution of authority and responsibility, codes of ethic drafting, discipline and the establishing of class structures. In actuating process, the head master implements democratic which combined with paternalistic. Meanwhile, the authority is transformational or charismatic supported by the help and development attitudes. The controlling process in mu’adalah is done by using observation, interview and writing report
Copyright (c) 2017 JURNAL PIKIR

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