The Islamic view of marriage is not only as a means of bringing together the two male and female to meet their biological needs and extinguish the lust, but Islam views marriage more deeply and broadly. The purpose of marriage is creating a sakinah, mawaddah and rahmah household life as stated in the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) and Law Number 1 of 1974 on Marriage. This article describes all matters concerning marriage, such as definition, law, basic, purpose, requirement, content, wisdom and effort in realizing prosperous family. Ideal marriage, based on KHI and Marriage Law, should consider three things, namely the maturity of the prospective bride, the willingness of both parties and family participation. One of the preparations that must be done by a new couple who run the household, are mental preparation, it is used for the household prosperous and sakinah, happy inward and inner; occupy the biological, psychological, economic needs of the couples and keep good relationships with the extended family.
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