Design an Interactive Material for Listening Sections for 11th Grades’ Students at Madrasah Aliyah

RnD Project based on Buku Bahasa Arab kelas XI MA written by Dr. D. Hidayat

  • Hasan Abidin Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib
Keywords: Interactive Teaching Materials, Arabic, Listening Section, Islamic Senior High School


Ignoring listening section during teaching-learning activity for Arabic language is a common in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Jombang. And the causes are nevertheless of missing the fit materials as same as the used book, and lack teachers’ capability to produce the fit listening materials. The aims of this research are to produce interactive materials for listening section that is fit for the used book; and describe the effectiveness of using these interactive materials to improve students’ skill in listening and also to make a good atmosphere in teaching-learning activity. This is a research and development study and it was done in two steps, and the first step is producing The second step is applying the interactive materials in teaching-learning activity. The researcher concluded that this interactive material is good and fit to use in a teaching-learning activity; this interactive material created a good condition and made the teaching-learning activity ran very well and also elicited students’ responses.


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How to Cite
Abidin, H. (2019). Design an Interactive Material for Listening Sections for 11th Grades’ Students at Madrasah Aliyah: RnD Project based on Buku Bahasa Arab kelas XI MA written by Dr. D. Hidayat. Jurnal Ats-Tsaqofi, 1(1), 1 - 11. Retrieved from

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