• Mohammad Wardi STAI Nazhatut Thullab Sampang Madura


The history of sufi in Islam has begun since the era of Muhammad SAW. However, in the eighth Hijriyah century, sufi did deterioration because people focused on tasawuf. Its activities were limited in short comments on first tasawuf book. It focused on attention for ritual practice which tended formality. So it was far from tasawuf content. Sufi ideology which developing at present are Qadariyah, Rifa’iyah, Sadziliyah, Maulawiyah, Naqshabandiyah, Bekhtasi, Nikmatullah, Tijani, Jarrahi and Chisti. The outside formula of sufi practices depends on environment, time, place, ecology, economics situation and social characteristics from society that have sufi ideology. The method of dzikr in tarekat Naqsyabandiyah shows that apologizing to Allah as a media to purify individual (tazkiyat al-nafs). It starts with purifying the heart (al-takhalli) then al-tahalli. The process of dzikr is a key to place a very important position in tarekat tradition either khafi or jahr. By dzikr, someone concentrates their realization toward seven soft core in the body, such as Lathifatul Qalb, Lathifatul Ruh, Lathifatul Sirr, Lathifatul Khafi, Lathifatul Akhfa, Lathifatul Nafs and Lathifatul Qalab. There are four levels of muraqabah in tarekat Naqsyabandiyah. They are Muraqabah Ahadiyah, Muraqabah Ma’iyyah, Muraqabah Aqrabiyah and Dzikr Nafi Itsbat bi al-Jahr. In the beginning of Islam century, sufis was not a organized movement in certain ideologies, but the ideology and model of sufi life personally started to make people interested in. The next tarekat has been organized more international in building center of events in groups.


Ds. Bunder Kec. Pademawu Pamekasan