KRISIS DI DUNIA PENDIDIKAN MUSLIM (Refleksi Pendidikan Islam dalam Menemukan Identitas di Era Globalisasi)

  • Mukani . STIT Urwatul Wutsqo Bulurejo Jombang


This article is the result of book review from number of articles written by Ali Ashraf and Sajjad Husain titled Crisis in Muslim Education. These articles were presented in the first World Conference on Muslim Education in Mecca on 31 March to 8 April 1977. The writers reflected the dialectic of thought in the landscape of Islamic educational system which is only constructed on the form of unmoving system and being occupied in deciding the mechanism. In the side of traditional system, it focuses on classic knowledge and does not care of appearing new brand knowledge. In another side, applying a modern educational system imported from West makes use of secular approach very often and keeps people away from religious approach in all aspects. This book was written based on the deep concern of both writers toward Muslim condition who still keep tackling on their own identity in the middle of mourning the real condition of Muslim that are still buried in a series of defeat and the crush by modernization. In this article, both writers reflected their concern about what Islamic education should do in formulating themselves to respond a series of defeat and modernization. Having too many and wide cases faced, the writers did not have pretension to solve all cases appearing in the world of Islamic education. However, they tried to do pioneering effort to reflecting themselves and self-criticism about Islamic education matters which need to be improved. Both writers have stimulated Muslims to give more attention to the world of Islamic education in order to the existing of Islamic education keep relevance with Muslim need. 


Ds. Kayangan Gang 3 No. 14 Kec. Diwek Jombang Jawa Timur