DIKOTOMI ORGANISASI PENDIDIKAN Harapan dan Tantangan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia

  • Muhammad Hambali STIT Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang


Based on UNDP source, Indonesian human resource lies on rating 108 in 2007. As compared to rating of neighbour states, Indonesia is far away at low-medium position. It figures that Indonesia’s potency to welcome globalization era are not competitive and unsymmetrical when it starts in 2025 openly. The important instrument that fixes Indonesian human resources is only repairing on territorial education significantly. The main stage to do so is focusing on improving the quality and service in education sectors. Then it will simultaneously require improving on infrastructures and teachers’ competition on education sectors. According to experts, it happens because of education system which is dichotomy and the mindset of leadership of education organizations that cannot personify the soul of leader and manager in performing responsibility yet. Therefore, to solve that problem, education should not be managed dichotomy system any more.


Ngoro Jombang