Morals are a reflection noble personality, noble character than it would be able to deliver the person to dignity. Assessment is good and bad is determined by a person's moral. Lately good morals are expensive and difficult to find. The lack of understanding of the moral values contained in the Qur'an will further aggravate the condition of a person's personality; even life seemed to feel less meaningful.
To form a glorious personal, moral cultivation of the child should be encouraged from an early age, because its formation would be easier than after the child is an adult. Surah al-Hujurat verses 11-13 discusses about creating a harmonious atmosphere among the public and prevent hostilities. That will create a decent private accordance with the guidance of the Qur'an.
Value of moral education contained a surah al-Hujurat verses 11-13 include: educational value to uphold the honor of the Muslims, repentance, positive thinking, ta'aruf egalitarian education (equality). Thus Islamic education would be more respectful to do exemplary, advice, stories, and threats (Tarhib). Education of repentance to do with the conditioning and the provision of advice (lecture). Education to do with positive thinking exemplary method, the method of advice and methods of habituation. Education of ta'aruf to do with advice, stories and habituation. Egalitarian education to do with lectures, advice, example and story.
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