This study was conducted to determine the relationship between parental social support and religiosity with adolescent aggressiveness member martial arts college in Bojonegoro. Subjects were 95 adolescents residing in District Sumberrejo Bojonegoro. The instrument used is the scale of parental social support, religiosity scale, and the scale of aggressiveness. Parental social support scale consisted of 39 item with α = 0.881, religiosity scale consists of 40 item with α = 0.930, and the aggressiveness scale consists of 54 item with α = 0.966. The results showed that between social support and religiosity parents together no significant association with aggressive, as indicated by the price of F = 1.041 and p = 0.357 (p> 0.005). Results of partial correlation analysis showed that there was no relationship between social support parents with behavioral aggressiveness, as indicated by the value rx1y = 0.114 and p = 0.270 (p> 0.005). There is no relationship between religiosity and aggressiveness, with rx1y value = 0.130 and p = 0.208 (p> 0.005). From the results of the regression analysis showed that there was no relationship between parental social support and religiosity with adolescent aggressiveness member Bojonegoro martial arts college in 2014.
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