Setbacks and damage to the nation's character which is currently engulfing Indonesia make many parties anxious. Moreover, it has been endemic so that it permeated all elements and joints of the nation's life. There is no difference between educated and not. Because many of them are educated people, so it is feared that it will be a bad precedent for the world of education, and in the end education is considered a failure to carry out its mission. The concept of education offered by KH Hasyim y Asy’ari, with an emphasis on heart education, can be a discourse and enlightenment of educational thinking that is currently being discussed. KH Hasyim Asy'ari who has a traditionalist background (read: from pesantren circles), but in fact many of them carry modern learning theories. This might be due to the large number of teachers and places visited in their studies, especially abroad (Makkah), which at that time had also been hit by the euphoria of thought reform. KH Hasyim Asy'ari who is an Indonesian native son and his religious knowledge has no doubt, especially in the world of education is also no stranger because as founders and caregivers of a large and well-known educational institution-Tebu ireng Jombang-Islamic boarding school might be an added value for educational ideas and concepts. So what is conveyed is not just concepts and theories that are still in the air, but a concept that has been grounded.
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