This research aims to increase the understanding of class 4A MI Al-Mujahidin students regarding PAI learning. Classroom action research (PTK) applies the jigsaw method in learning Aqidah Akhlak using field observations, interviews, documentation, as well as pre- test and post-test worksheets. This research was conducted at MI Al-Mujahidin in Pasirkamuning Village, Telagasari District, Karawang Regency. The aim of this research is to increase students' active participation. During learning activities using the Jigsaw method from start to finish, students' active participation was observed. This observation was carried out through observation sheets of active student participation and teacher activities in using puzzles to teach Aqidah Akhlak. Thus, it can be concluded that the percentage of interest in studying PAI for class IV students at MI Al-Mujahidin Pasirkamuning in cycle I obtained a result of 49.6%. This presentation is still below standard, but is still considered adequate. Cycle II recorded an increase of 32.1%, increasing student participation in learning to 81.2%. This shows that the presentation has met the assessment criteria and is categorized as very high student participation in PAI learning
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Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, Vol.23 No.02 Juni 2024
Copyright (c) 2024 Dea Nurkholifah, Fathur Rochman, Yanti Pajriani, Nur Aini Farida, M. Makbul

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