Pengaruh Lingkungan Madrasah, Waktu Belajar, Dan Lingkungan Keluarga Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa MA As-Sa’adah lampah Kedamean Gresik
This study aims to determine the influence of the madrasah environment, learning time, and family environment on the learning outcomes of MA As-Sa'adah Lampah Kedamean Gresik students. This study uses a quantitative approach with survey methods and statistical analysis. The population in this study is 155 students of MA As-Sa'adah Lampah Kedamean Gresik, and the sample taken is 40 students. The results of the study show that the madrasah environment has a significant effect on student learning outcomes. Physical facilities, learning environment, social interaction, and educator support in the madrasah play an important role in determining student academic achievement. Study time also has a significant effect on student learning outcomes. Optimal study time helps students understand the material, master skills, and apply the knowledge gained. In addition, the family environment also has a significant effect on student learning outcomes. The interactions, values, and support provided by families form the foundation for students' attitudes, motivation, and learning readiness. Simultaneously, the madrasah environment, learning time, and family environment contributed significantly to the variation in learning outcomes of MA As-Sa'adah Lampah Kedamean Gresik students. This research has implications for madrasas, teachers, and parents to improve the quality of the learning environment, learning time management, and family involvement in supporting students' academic success.
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