Pemikiran Filosofis Pendidikan Ibnu Sina dan John Dewey Terhadap Pendidikan Humanis Perspektif Pendidikan Islam serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Pendidikan Islam Modern

  • C Adhi Nugroho MAS D- Baito Sunan Plumbon
  • Mukh. Nursikin UIN SALATIGA
Keywords: Islamic Education, Humanism, Philosophical


Education has indeed been a form of human effort since ancient times in order to maintain the continuity of their life and culture. Efforts to produce quality education, the stages that are passed start from a strong thinking methodology and a philosophical-epistemological foundation. On the basis of a humanist-religious paradigm that considers common sense, individualism towards independence, pluraslis education, anti-dichotomy, semagat to explore sincere knowledge, functionalism, defeating symbolism, as well as rewards and sanctions. The purpose of Islamic education is to accommodate local culture that is future-oriented, namely religious and modern. This type of research is qualitative research using library research, which is by collecting data through reading and several literature related to the discussion. This type of research uses theories from experts about Islamic Education according to the Philosophical Perspectives of Ibn Sina and John Dewey and its Influence on Modern Education by looking at existing phenomena. As a result of the research that has been carried out, it is known that Islamic Education is a form of effort to create and shape good and meaningful human beings in world life. Education is conceptually based on ideological-philosophical foundations for its implementation in the social-bidaya sphere. According to Ibn Sina, the purpose of education must be directed to the development of the full human potential towards full development: physical, intellectual, and moral development. John Dewey views education as the process of forming basic skills, both in terms of thinking (intellectual) and feeling (emotional), that connect with humanity and ordinary people. Based on this, the philosophy of education can also be interpreted as a theory of general education. John Dewey explained that education is the rearrangement and rearrangement of experiences and events in a person's life to become more directed and meaningful


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How to Cite
Nugroho, C. A., & Nursikin, M. (2024). Pemikiran Filosofis Pendidikan Ibnu Sina dan John Dewey Terhadap Pendidikan Humanis Perspektif Pendidikan Islam serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Pendidikan Islam Modern. Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, 22(03), 149-157.