JURNAL QIEMA (Qomaruddin Islamic Economics Magazine)
Print ISSN: 2528-2913
Online ISSN: 2721-3587
Islamic Institute of Qomaruddin Gresik, Jl. Raya Bungah No. 01 Bungah Gresik 61152 Telp/fax (031)3949500
Email: qiemaiaiqgresik@gmail.com.
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JURNAL QIEMA (Qomaruddin Islamic Economics Magazine)
Print ISSN: 2528-2913
Online ISSN: 2721-3587
Islamic Institute of Qomaruddin Gresik, Jl. Raya Bungah No. 01 Bungah Gresik 61152 Telp/fax (031)3949500
Email: qiemaiaiqgresik@gmail.com.
Jurnal QIEMA (Qomaruddin Islamic Economics Magazine) is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Islamic Institute of Qomaruddin Gresik
Jurnal Qiema: LPPM Islamic Institute Qomaruddin Gresik, East Java, Indonesia
Jl. Raya Bungah No. 1 Telp/Fax. (031) 3949500 Bungah Gresik.
Email: qiemaiaiqgresik@gmail.com.
Map Coordinate: -7.0521745,Long.112.5727586