• MISBAHUL MUNIR Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Maghdum Ibrahim (STITMA) Tuban
Keywords: learning affection, normativist


Peoples who think that attitude is not to tought, such as mathematics, physics and the others, but to be formed. Therefore, it is more appropriate to the field of affective teaching is not a term, but educational. Learning strategy is different by cognitive learning strategies and skills. Related affective value (value), which is difficult in the measure, therefore involves consciousness that grows from within. Value is a concept that is in the human mind that are hidden, not in the empirical world. Values related to one's view of good and bad, beautiful or not beautiful, worthy and unworthy, unjust and unfair. There are four factors that constitute the basis of a person's adherence to certain values, namely; a. Normativist. Usually adherence to norms there are in three forms, namely: (1) adherence to the norm itself. (2) compliance with the norms regardless, (3) adherence to the result. b. Integralist, which is based on the awareness of compliance with the rationalist considerations. c. Fenomenalist, is compliance by conscience or just lip service. d. Hedonist, is compliance based on self-interest. Because of this, affective learning is a prerequisite for the education to be more intense in practice and did not consider the affective learning is not include any interest in making their students as the generation that will lead the future life better and ready in every challenge.


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UU No.20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional.
