Developing Interactive Chemistry E-Modul For The Second Grade Students Of Senior High School

  • Nita Sunarya Herawati STAI Darul Kamal NW Kembang Kerang NTB
Keywords: e-modul,interactive, chemistry.


This research study aims to: (1) produce chemistry interactive e-modul for the second grade students of senior high school, (2) identify the feasibility analysis of interactive e-module products on chemistry object, and (3) identify the effectiveness of the interactive e-module product in improving the achievement of learning achievement. This research and development study refer to the stages developed by Thiagarajan (4D). The procedure of the development consists of define, design, and development. The subject small group trial consisted of six second grade students of SMA Islam Al Azhar Yogyakarta. The subjects of field testing in the experiment class consisted of 29 students of XI IPA of SMA Islam Al Azhar Yogyakarta. The data were collected using an evaluation sheet, questionnaire of student’s responses, and achievement tes. The data were analyzed using paired sample t-test with a significance level of 0.05. The research finding reveals that the chemistry interactive e-modul for XI IPA of senior high school according to materials experts and media experts is in a good category. Generally, the application of interactive e-modul is categorized in the very good category and received a positive response from students. There is a difference in the learning achievement between the pre test and post test after using the chemistry interactive e-modul with sig < 0.05.


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How to Cite
Herawati, Nita Sunarya. “Developing Interactive Chemistry E-Modul For The Second Grade Students Of Senior High School”. At-Tadbir : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam 4, no. 1 (January 29, 2020): 57 - 69. Accessed July 16, 2024.

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