• Reksiana Reksiana Institut Ilmu Al-Quran Jakarta


This study concludes that the school and society influence greater than the family’s environment on child character formation, agree with the findings of Urie Bronfenbrenner (1997), SE Oladipo (2009), Emilie Phillips Smith (2003) and Wim Bernasco (2013), Peterson and Westburg (2010) who states that the child character formation not only influenced by some environment on microsystem such as a family and school, even society and peer of the same age also have greater influence. Interdependence between institution (on microsystem) have important role, such as collaboration of proper function to more efisience on child character formation. This study is a quantitative studies. Source of the data on this study consist of primary data from the data which directly obtained on field like questionnaire, observation, and interview with Al-Khasyi’un junior high school’s students, teachers, parents of the studen, and society. Secondary data of this research used the data from the other researchs that have authoritative and credible besed on character education field to analyze primary data.Keywords: Character education, Microsystem, Ecology system, Human depelovement.


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