• Sahrizal Fahlawi Institut Agama Islam Nurul Hakim Kediri Lombok Barat


Classroom management is one of the important elements in teaching and learning process that play a role in supporting the success of teaching and learning process. The ability to manage the class will greatly affect the level of enthusiasm and motivation in following learning. Classroom management seeks to understand student with it various advantages. Classroom management aims to improve effectiveness and efficiency in achieving learning objectives. But before applying classroom management, a teacher must comprehend some factors that may hander the implementation of classroom management. For example, teachers, students, families, and facilities factor. In addition, there some factor that should be the main focus of the teacher before applying classroom management, like the problem of attention getting behaviors, power-seeking behaviors, revenge-seeking behaviors, and demonstration of disability, is the form of refusing at all to try to do anything because of the failure that became part of it. In addition to individual problems there is also a group problem that includes classes are less cohesive due to racist actions by students, violation of agreed norms, give a negative reaction to the inability of class members. Educating students who commit norm abuses, group attention is easily diverted from the task being assigned, the low morale of work because it assume the task given is unfair, and the class is less able to face the new situations. Classroom management aims to solve that problem.        


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