تعليم الخطّ العربي للمستوى المتوسّط بجاوى الشّرقيّة دراسة حالة في مراكز تعليم الخطّ العربي بجاوى الشّرقيّة

  • Aris Liswanto SMP Islam Sabilillah Malang


The objective of this study is to analize the learning of arabic calligraphy at some particular arabic calligraphy institution in East Java. This study will answer: 1) how is the learning of arabic calligraphy in East Java, 2) what are the obstacles of the arabic calligraphy learning in East Java. This study is using case study qualitative approach. The subjects of this study are ELKAMAL Malang, ASSKAR Bojonegoro and SAKAL Jombang. The data are collected through observing and interviewing. The data analysis is using Miles and Huberman method which the steps are collecting reducing viewing and concluding the data. The results of the study are 1) The learning of calligraphy in East Java uses traditional approach and it focuses on pragmatic objective. Traditional approach means that the teacher is the centre of the lerning process. Pragmatic objective means that the students aim of learning calligraphy is to win a competition, gain money from the art work. 2) the problems of learning calligraphy are; first, no official metode or curriculum; second, most6 teachers of calligraphy do not know the systematic procedure of teaching calligraphy based on the khat sertificate so they cannot lead the student to be an ideal calligrapher.


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