• Ahmad Ahmad STMIK Bumigora Mataram
Kata Kunci: Learning Outcomes, Type Jigsaw II Cooperative Learning Model


Basically the learning process greatly affects student learning outcomes, thus an educator needs to make new breakthroughs in the learning process so as to produce high-achieving outputs. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there are differences in student learning outcomes before and after using the Jigsaw II type cooperative learning model in MTs. Darul Falah Batu Jangkih Academic Year 2019/2020. The research approach is quantitative with the type of experimental research. The sample in this study were all students of class VII Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Darul Falah Batu Jangkih Odd semester 2019/2020 academic year totaling 28 people. From the results of data analysis performed with the same one-way cell variance analysis the value of Fcount = 5,524 is greater than Ftable = 1,880, so it can be concluded that there are significant differences between student learning outcomes before and after using the Jigsaw II type cooperative learning model in Madrasah Tsanawiyan Darul Falah Batu Jangkih. Because the difference is significant, a simple effect test is then performed between student learning outcomes before and after using the Jigsaw II type cooperative learning model to find out which learning outcomes are better. From these tests, the calculated F value showed a significant difference, namely Fcalculate = 2.3671, greater than Ftable = 1.880. So it can be concluded that student learning outcomes using the Jigsaw II type cooperative learning model are better than before using the Jigsaw II type cooperative learning model in MTs. Darul Falah Batu Jangkih Academic Year 2019/2020.


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