Studi Kasus Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di MI Darul Ulum Ngorok Kopang Lombok Tengah

  • Abdul Hakim UIN Mataram
  • Haeruman Rusandi IAI Nurul Hakim
  • M.Nawawi Hakim IAI Nurul Hakim
Kata Kunci: Innovations, Arabic Learning, Noam Chomsky, MI Darul Ulum Ngorok


This article intends to give motivation to the teachers especially for Arabic Teachers in MI Darul Ulum Ngorok and the Arabic observers to continue to make innovations on Arabic learning so that Arabic learning for Non Arabic continues to evolve along with the times. Innovation that the author offers is a practical form of innovation that comes from existing theories of learning by Noam Chomsky. This innovation comes from the studies of Arabic learning which the author observed in MI Darul Ulum Ngorok Central Lombok that still need a serious attention. There are many things that must be corrected in Arabic learning both in terms of Objectives, Methods, Media, and Evaluation of Arabic Learning.


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