Pencegahan Sibling Rivalry melalui Penanaman Pendidikan Islam dalam Keluarga di Dusun Karang Dalem Desa Pademawu Barat Kecamatan Pademawu Kabupaten Pamekasan

  • Indah Nurul Qomariyah S IAIN MADURA
  • Faiz Alfan Hamdan Maulana Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura
Keywords: Keywords: Sibling Rivalry, Family, Islamic Eduacation


Abstract The development of a child both physically and psychologically from childhood to adulthood cannot be separated from the influence of the family environment both from how a child behaves, acts, and how to solve a problem. Parents play an important role in the development process of a child because the character of a child is formed from how parents educate them. Social jealousy between siblings when a child thinks that if parents treat older siblings and younger siblings differently, this happens because only the child's feelings are like that, but parents have been fair to their children, or is it really a parent's mistake in behaving so that they think this does not have a significant impact on the psychology of a child, In this case the researcher aims to reveal some of the facts that occurred in the field against the assumptions that have been explained. Research using a qualitative case study type method is an appropriate choice according to the researcher so as to produce research results that are in accordance with the research focus where the results of this study explain that it is necessary for parents to provide an understanding of Islamic education fundamentally to prevent Sibling Rivalry, so that it makes children feel aware that between siblings they must be able to forgive each other, yield, help each other and be kind to each other and must maintain the relationship between siblings, and there are also several other parental strategies. Keywords: Sibling Rivalry, Family, Islamic Eduacation


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