AKTUALISASI NALAR KRITIS DI PESANTREN; Sebuah Upaya Pengembangan Nilai Dan Ajaran Dalam Konteks Kekinian

  • A Muzamil


This paper outlines the chronic issues surrounding paradigm of education in boarding school. This is important because it is often found where the yellow book learning in boarding schools more emphasis on deepening or enrichment material (content-knowledge) and very little is directed at development aspects of the theory, methodology and insight. Whereas those last three aspects would be fundamental scientific elements. So, the material wealth is difficult to develop and is expressed contextually and impressive. It certainly hinders the boarding school's role in addressing the challenges of the dynamics of cultural and social change. Surely it is to meet the demands of the students critical reasoning should be opened to achieve social justice and to fight and liberate the people from backwardness, ignorance, dependence and oppression.Keywords: Islamic Boarding School, Nalar Kritis, Social mobiliziation


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