Pedoman Penulis

Author Guidelines


  1. Articles are original products that have never been published in any media.
  2. Articles can be in the form of conceptual thinking or research results related to Islamic
  3. Articles are written in Indonesian, English or Arabic that are good and correct.
  4. Articles are typed with font Book Antiqua size 12 pts with 1 line spacing (spacing before 12 pt), A4 paper size in format (Microsoft Word: Rtf, Doc, Docx). The writing length is between 5000-9000 words
  5. Author's name (without title and rank), institution's address (below the title) and email (below the institution's address)
  6. Articles are sent in softcopy to OJS (Open Journal System), at least two months before publication


  1. The writing framework includes abstracts, keywords, introduction, result and discussion, conclusions and references (if it is conceptual thinking), or includes abstractions, keywords, preliminaries, basic theory, discussions, conclusions and references (if it is the result of research)
  2. The title of the writing, the title of the discussion, and the subtitles of the discussion are bold and do not use numbers or letters for numbering.
  3. Abstract contains 150-200 words of the core problem (font Book Antiqua size 12  and 1 line spacing) 
  4. Keywords can be in the form of words or phrases (no more than 5 phrases)
  5. Intorudction contains 10% words of all articles. Explain the problem and your research purpose . It is necessary to briefly mention the methods used in the research
  6. Articles use footnotes with the following rules; Citation and references refer to the sixth edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) style, using (Mendeley/Zotero).  
  7. Arabic transliteration follows the guideline for writing the scientific work of the Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Cendekei Insani, Indonesia. To see transliteration guidelines, please click (Download)
  8. Next, please use the NJIS template (Download)