About the Journal


is an information containing research, literature studies, theoretical applications and critical analysis studies focusing on the fields of Islam, Social, Law and Education. Published by the Al-Yasini Pasuruan Islamic College Lecturer Consortium

P-ISSN: 2527-3175 (media cetak) SK no. 0005.25273175 / JI.3.1 / SK.ISSN / 2016.05
E-ISSN: 2527-6603 (media online) SK no. 0005.25276603 / JI.3.1 / SK.ISSN / 2016.05

The following is the Author Systematics as follows:

TITLE; solid, clear, and solid research substance.

WRITER; name, origin of the institution, address of the institution, and email of the author.

ABSTRACT; in Indonesian: 100-200 words. Keywords; 4-6 words.

INTRODUCTION: Research background research, problem formulation, research objectives, literature study, discussion of theory (if needed) and research methods.

RESEARCH METHOD: outlines discussed, data sources, data collection techniques and analysis techniques.

LITERATURE STUDY: There are at least three objectives of a literature review:

First, to find out about which research has been carried out on the object of discussion.

Second, for research the differences between existing studies and the works to be published. Third, to review what discusses research on fields in the same field of study.

DISCUSSION: Consists of several subs as needed. Presentation of data in the form of a demanding and systematic narrative that is directed directly at research findings and researcher analysis based on the theoretical perspective used.

CONCLUSIONS & SUGGESTIONS FOR SUSTAINABILITY: contains conclusions in answering the research problems that have been formulated.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: References used.

Manuscripts submitted are evaluated by the editorial board. The editor will make changes to the text that is translated in a uniform format for translation, without changing the substance.


This journal is published twice (in a year) every May and November with the following publication regulations; (Submission/Submit: 1st-6th, Review/Review: 7th-12th, Copyediting: 13th-14th, Production/Publishing: 15th).


The editorial team invites academics, lecturers, and researchers to contribute in submitting scientific articles that have never been published in other journals. Manuscript typed using Microsoft Word on A.4 size paper: length +20-25 pages, 1.5 spacing, Californian FB font, size 12, 7000-9000 words . If the article is written in Arabic, then use the Arabic Traditional font, size 15, +20 pages long, and 1.5 spacing. Incoming manuscripts are evaluated by the editorial board and bestari partners. The editor can make changes to the published text for format uniformity, without changing the substance.


This journal is published by Konsorsium Dosen Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) Al-Yasini Pasuruan,

Adress :Jalan Pondok Pesantren Terpadu Al-Yasini Areng-areng Wonorejo, Pasuruan 67173, Jawa Timur.

Rumah Jurnal can be accessed at the following link:
Frekuensi: Setahun 2x (Mei dan Nopember)
Indexing: Google scholar | Moraref  | Dimensi  | garuda | DOAJ SCOPUS  
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