• Parmujianto Parmujianto Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) Al Yasini Pasuruan
Keywords: Islamic Law, Iddah, Career Women


In this day and age the developmentof social media information is very fast, very defferent, far from the era of the -80s. The changing times experienced affect the development experienced by the parties concerned, including Islamic law. For women who are active in various fields that they pursue, course it is said that almost every sector of human life has bagun to be occupied by tough women, not only light work, but they don’t just stay at home taking care of children, houses and so on. That period of iddah in Islamic applies to women who are divorced or where their husbands are left to dieq. The method in this research uses the library research method by reading, studying books that are closely related the problem that is the object of research, so that the use of the method in the discussion in something that determines the quality of the writing in question. The conclusion is that a career women (working) during the iddah period is still active, it is said  note to violate the provisions, even though the women leaves the house to earn a living.  As for the prohibition for women during the iddah period it is haram  to marry another man, it is haram to leave the house  unless there is a reason emergency and obliged to do ihdad. Regarding the professionalism of career women in their respective  fields, it is  a form of carrying out Islamic law and carrying out their nature as social beings. By considering moral ethics, iddah has protection in modern development, especially for women who are actively working in their respective fields.    


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How to Cite
Parmujianto, Parmujianto. “PERSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM TENTANG IDDAH WANITA KARIER (MENURUT KAJIAN USHUL FIQH)”. Al Yasini : Jurnal Keislaman, Sosial, hukum dan Pendidikan 5, no. 2 (November 25, 2020): 553-663. Accessed February 25, 2025.