Membangun Kecerdasan Spiritual Siswa Melalui Sistem Full Day School Di SDIT Bina Insan Cendekia Kota Pasuruan

  • Siti Halimah Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia Pasuruan Indonesia
Keywords: Spiritual Intelligence, Full Day School System


The purpose of research to know the implementation of full day school system in building the spiritual intelligence of students of the integrated Islamic elementary school of Bina Insan Cendekia of Pasuruan City. This research is qualitative, with qualitative descriptive approach analysis technique, that is in the form of exposure and description in full about the actual situation about the related data, both written and oral from the object of research in that school. In the process of collecting data, researchers use several methods, namely: observation, interview and documentation. Based on the obtained data shows that the students spiritual intelligence is formed and improved through full day school system at the Integrated Islamic Elementary School of BIC Pasuruan, Establishing a system through integrated curriculum and integrated activity approach that is arranged in school lesson schedule with refraction system such as habitual worship and learning habits of Al-Qur'an. Through habituation then the process of character formation, character and cultivation of Islamic teachings can build and improve students' spiritual intelligence. With the implementation of such systems can improve student achievement, move the hearts, minds and morals of students the better because they are always closer to the god SWT and noble personality.


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How to Cite
Halimah, S. (2019). Membangun Kecerdasan Spiritual Siswa Melalui Sistem Full Day School Di SDIT Bina Insan Cendekia Kota Pasuruan. Al-Makrifat: Jurnal Kajian Islam, 4(2), 138-150. Retrieved from