Peer Review Process

The publication of articles in Studi Arab relies primarily on their scientific validity and coherence, as determined by our editors and/or peer reviewers, who also assess clarity and the contribution to the field. Studi Arab expresses gratitude for the efforts and suggestions of its reviewers.

Initial assessment of submissions

The Editor conducts the initial evaluation within a maximum of 3 weeks. While rare, exceptional manuscripts may be accepted at this stage. Rejected manuscripts lack originality, contain significant scientific flaws, or fall outside the journal's scope. Those meeting the minimum criteria proceed to expert review, typically taking up to 8 weeks.

Peer review process

Manuscripts undergo review by two to three experts, evaluating scientific soundness, duplication, and clarity using blind peer review. Additional rounds of review may occur if necessary.

Review criteria

Reviewers assess if the manuscript is:
- Original, with clearly stated objectives and gaps
- Methodologically sound
- Ethically compliant
- Clearly presents results supporting conclusions
- Properly references prior work
Reviewers do not edit language.

Decision making

Reviewers advise the editor, who makes the final decision, potentially consulting the Editorial Board. Becoming a reviewer offers the chance to evaluate new research early and be acknowledged, with no financial compensation.

To become a reviewer, contact Studi Arab. Benefits include professional development opportunities and potential citations. Reviewers are volunteers contributing their expertise.