Pengaruh Program Simpan Pinjam Kelompok Perempuan Terhadap Pendapatan Usaha mikro Kecil Dan Poverty Reduction Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam (Studi Kasus PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan Kecamatan Bangilan, Tuban)

Keywords: PNPM, Women's Group Savings and Loans, Income, Poverty Reduction, Economic Values of Islam


The  national  community  empowerment  program  (PNPM)  Self-sufficient Rural is a program set up by the Government with the aim of alleviating poverty and improving the well-being of the community. Save Loan group of women is a program of the PNPM with the goal of providing capital for the housewife who has a productive effort. This  research  aims  to  (1)  know  the  income  of  micro  small  and  medium enterprises before and after a program,  (2) to knowing the decline in poverty, and (3) to see the economic values of Islam on the Save program Loan group of women. The  population  of  this research  is  a  member  of  save  the loan  group  of  women which  amounted  to  215  people  scattered  in  16  groups.  Samples  taken  as  many  as  70 people with random sampling techniques. Data analysis using the method analysis of test of  wilcoxon  sign  rank,  the  analysis  of  poverty  reduction  and  analysis  of  the  economic values of Islam in the program. Based on the analysis of the data found that (1) the Save program loan group of women  provides  increased  revenues  against  the  small  micro  enterprises,  (2)  the  Save program Loan due to women's groups can decrease the poverty rate of 20 persen, and (3) Economic  values  of  Islam  in  the  Save  Program  Loan  group  of  women  which  is  extra time, is not subject to fines, there are social activities, improvement of the well -being of the community.  
How to Cite
Pengaruh Program Simpan Pinjam Kelompok Perempuan Terhadap Pendapatan Usaha mikro Kecil Dan Poverty Reduction Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam (Studi Kasus PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan Kecamatan Bangilan, Tuban). (2015). Economic: Journal of Economic and Islamic Law, 5(2), 1-24. Retrieved from