Pendidikan Karakter Menurut Al-Ghazali (Analisis Kitab Ayyuhal Walad Karya Al-Ghazali)

  • Siti Halimah Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia Pasuruan, Indonesia
Keywords: character education, Kitab of Ayyuhal Walad


Character education should be prioritized for developing the positive potentials of learners to become a good human being can be achieved. Educators or teachers should have extensive competencies to be able to impart more effective learning and to understand each unique student each having different abilities, different talents and potentials with each other. The importance of humanist learning approach in learning, because the responsibility of teachers is implementing the learning and transfer of knowledge. The kitab of Ayyuhal Walad is the Opus of Imam Al-Ghazali which contains the advice of the Hujatul Islam to his students who processing of learning. But this book contains the advice about character education is very applicable to Islamic education. So it is very timely if can be applied in Indonesian education. Character education Thinking to Al-Ghazali in the Kitab Ayyuhal Walad: 1) Religious, 2). Hard Work. 3) Responsibility. 4) Going in for Reading. 5) Spirit to Knowing. 6). Creative. Character education Thinking to Al-Ghazali is relevant if applied formal and non Formal education, especially in Islamic education. Therefore the authors conclude that the character education taught by Imam Al-Ghazali in Ayyuhal Walad's kitab is very relevant if used in deregulating character education in the formal and non-formal education more specifically the education of Islam.


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How to Cite
Halimah, S. (2018). Pendidikan Karakter Menurut Al-Ghazali (Analisis Kitab Ayyuhal Walad Karya Al-Ghazali). Al-Makrifat: Jurnal Kajian Islam, 3(01), 112-129. Retrieved from