Penyuluhan Masyarakat Dalam Menumbuhkan Kesadaran Melestarikan Tradisi Sabellesen di Desa Cok-Pocok Daleman Kecamatan Galis Kabupaten Bangkalan
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Melestarikan, Tradisi, SabellesenAbstrak
Sabellesen is a term that is applied as the name of a tradition in the Cok-Pocok Daleman Galis village. This tradition is usually realized on every 11th of the month of Hijriyah (bulen Madureh), which is essentially the practice of praying to the Prophet, remembrance of Allah, sadaqah which can strengthen the relationship between people. Apart from that, the Sabellesen tradition is also a forum for the community, especially the Cok-Pocok Daleman village as an activity of religious enlightenment and increasing the solidarity of the Cok-Pocok village community itself. The Sabellesen tradition has several important orientations or lessons. Functionally, Sabellesen is applied in addition to sadaqah, reading salawat to the Prophet and reading the holy verses of the Koran as well as the moment to strengthen ties between communities, there is also a belief that, the Sabellesen tradition can reject balak and facilitate rizki. This research is based on field research present to contribute and improve the education and religion of the Cok-Pocok, Daleman Galis Village, Bangkalan.Referensi
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