Upaya Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Mata Pelajaran Fiqih

  • Edi Setyawan STIT Islamiyah Karya Pembangunan Paron Ngawi
  • Samsul Hadi STIT Islamiyah Karya Pembangunan Paron Ngawi


In improving the quality of the process and the quality of education, therefore it can be pursued through various components of education. Teachers in the era of digital technology 4.0 today are not just teaching (transfer of knowledge), teachers must be able to create comfortable, creative, character, and multi-source learning conditions in order to achieve the expected vision and mission. With the formulation of the problem: What are the teacher's efforts to improve learning achievement in fiqh lessons for class VIII at MTs Al Murtadho Kedungawaru in 2020/2021?, How are the learning achievements of class VIII students in fiqh lessons at MTs Al Murtadho Kedungwaru for the academic year 2020/2021?, Factors What hinders teachers' efforts to improve learning achievement in class VIII fiqh lessons at MTs Al Murtadho Kedungawaru in 2020/2021? , To find out the learning achievement of class VIII students in fiqh lessons at MTs Al Murtadho Kedungwaru for the 2020/2021 school year, To find out the factors that hinder teachers' efforts to improve learning achievement in fiqh lessons for class VIII at MTs Al Murtadho Kedungawaru in 2020/2021. For data collection used by the method of observation, interviews with the principal, teachers and guardians of students and documentation. While the type of research uses qualitative descriptive, namely interpreting through descriptive explanations as conclusions regarding Efforts to Improve Learning Achievement in Fiqh Subjects for Class VIII MTs Al Murtadho Kedungwaru Academic Year 2020/2021.From the results of the study, it was concluded that in improving the learning achievement of class VIII students in the current covid-19 pandemic conditions, namely coordination/cooperation with guardians of students at home, making whatapps groups specifically for fiqh subjects. is from the lack of compactness of the guardians of students and the learning motivation of students decreases.



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