• Niila Khoiru Amaliya Dosen Tarbiyah, IAI Sunan Giri Ponorogo
Keywords: Inkar al-sunnah, otoritas, hadis shahih.


In history has emerged groups who rejected the hadis, called Inka> r as-Sunnah. This was due to different judgments about the truth of hadis as the source of religious traditions. They even deny the dubious tradition as a source of religious traditions. It is, among others, come from a variety of problems that are owned traditions. Hadis’s problem is more complex than in the Qur'an, especially the problem of Qath’i al-wurud. A long period between the time of the Prophet to the time of writing tradition also adds its own problems in the hadis. The distance of time can provide opportunities to the addition or reduction of the material traditions. In addition, the long chain of narrators and the emergence of false hadis also contributed to the problem so that the authenticity of the hadis had to be considered. Problem authority of tradition as a source of religious teachings is the topic of this paper, if the quality of the Hadis is correct as a source of religion? how its position in Islam? Then, is there a sunnah models that have a source of religious authority? As the second source of the religion after al - Qur'an, hadis has authority in the decision making as a source of religious teachings. This is because of the hadis is a representation of the Prophet, the one who was given the authority by God to teach religion to humanity, as well as the function of the prophet Muhammad to interpret al-Qur'an. Therefore, what the Prophet taught and convey important, it is because the prophet interpreters teachings given by God. In addition, there are passages in the Qur'an that gives the command to be obedient to Allah and His Messenger. And Hadis have graded quality levels, hence its use as a source of religious teaching should pay attention to the level of quality that exists.


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