• Suci Midsyahri Azizah Dosen Tetap Fakultas Tarbiyah IAI Sunan Giri Ponorogo


Early childhood period was the golden age or the period that often called as the golden age, usually it’s marked by a fast change in physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and language development. The development of verbal and non-verbal language in early childhood is a basic formation of communication. Verbal communication is communication that uses the words, whether oral or writing. Children’s verbal language skill can be honed and/or enhanced through pictures or stories. Either by ask children to listens the stories or ask them to tell stories. Then, the non-verbal communication is a form of communication that is often used in the presentation, where the delivery is not by words or sound but though movements of the body that is often known as the gesture or body language. There are many advantages to be gained if a parent or teacher can understand verbal and nonverbal language. In children period, verbal and non-verbal language is part of the learning process and the process of the formation of their behavior. Then it should be for parent and or teacher can understand the language child either verbal or non-verbal, so children can also feel if they are very loved and cared so that their self-confidence can grow well and they also can easily socialize with their environments.


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