• P Isno Dosen STIT Raden Wijaya Mojokerto dan Juga Staf Pengajar SMA Negeri 3 Kota Mojokerto


Islamic Education Management is one way to improve the quality of life of the people of underdevelopment, either moral, material, and spiritual. In Islam, the management is very important. This is evident in the wise expression of the word friend Ali. "Vanity Case (evil) which cleanly to beat the truth (case) is not well ordered" Unfortunately, there are many Islamic educational institutions are not well ordered in terms of management. Even impressed carelessly. Originally standing. Originally running. Until not surprising that there is an impression that the schools non-Muslims more qualified than Islamic education. So many of the Muslims who want a quality education and is financially able, willing mensekolahkan their children to schools non-Muslims. Though widely known, that the schools non-Muslims are not leaving on missions missionaries. It thus should be the concern of all the parties involved in Islamic educational institutions. Establish Islamic Education does not just have a fighting spirit only. But must also be supported by the ability to manage well an institution. The founder must have basic skills of management, especially management of Islam as the basis of the institution which he introduced to the public. Then how should management's own Islamic education?


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