• Iis Uun Fardiana Dosen Tarbiyah, IAI Sunan Giri Ponorogo


We know that in fact since the first human technology already exists or is already using the technology. Someone is using the technology for human understanding. With his mind he wanted to get out of trouble, want to live better, more secure, and so on. Technological developments occur because someone used his wits and his wits to solve any problems that it faces. Technological developments lately, makes the vast world in this era of globalization becomes narrower, smaller, and limited. This change of course positive and negative impacts to the survival of a Muslim. The negative impact of the change and shift times were able to shake, swipe, and scrape out the moral values and faith. In fact, more than that can destroy the future of human civilization. If someone mastering science and technology then it will simply do anything. IMTAQ here serve to fortify a person from the negative impact caused by the progress of science and technology. We as educators must assist learners to balance between science and technology and IMTAQ, so that they can become a human being useful to society.


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