• Ririn Tri Puspita Ningrum Dosen Syariah, STAINU Madiun


This work is motivated by factors of business success and trade ethnic Chinese businessmen in Indonesia The phenomenon of ethnic Chinese success is inseparable values and principles rooted him called Chinese Work Value in particular the principle of familism and guanxi. Viewed objectively, these two principles are very big role on the business strategy of ethnic Chinese. Through empirical study with a phenomenological approach, the results of this work were once answered two focus of the study, among other things: first, that the principle familsm and guanxi in Chinese Work Value rests on a foundation of thinking of Chinese about the business world highly value the reality and rational demonstrated through attitude kinship, relationship-oriented, respect for social order for the purposes of their business success. Secondly, there is the side where the principle familsm and guanxi in Chinese Work Value in accordance with Islamic business ethics as it is equally forward the principles of the best in the business, among others: thrift, think ahead, a high work ethic, to act quickly and proactively, meticulous, thorough, promoting honesty, good service, not easily give up and network expansion. However, there is a point that can not be reconciled with the Islamic business ethics when faced with the strategy of expanding networking (building networks and relationships) that one part of the principle of familism. Ethnic Chinese prefer the family or fellow ethnic Chinese to achieve equitable prosperity. In Islam, the expansion of networking and relationships more mengedapankan principles of equality and brotherhood principles framed in the concept ta'awun and brotherhood that does not discriminate between families, groups and classes of other socio-economic.


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