• Suad Fikriawan Dosen Syariah, IAI Sunan Giri Ponorogo


The purpose of this research is the first to analyze how the strategy INSURI promotion mix in Ponorogo, and secondly to analyze how the strategic implications promotion mix in creating word of mouth communication. The results of this study is that the strategy undertaken by the Promotion Mix INSURI using four strategies, namely Strategic Air Attack, Artillery Strategy, Strategy Kavileri, and strategies Infantry. The first strategy is done in the form of radio promotions, banners, brochures, and pamphlets and similar media. While the second strategy takes the form of an informal approach to the forum and organizational NU, third done with the strategy of mentoring to high school /. MA on the eve of National Examination and fourth strategy is done by volunteers door to door by students or faculty. The second strategic implications Promotion Mix is actually able to create WOM communication among the students but more dominated by Talking only, and has not reached the stage of promoting or selling. That is done by the promotion mix INSURI only had implications for the creation of discussion among students that the majority do not lead to a sale.


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