• Farida Sekti Pahlevi Dosen Tetap Syariah Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo


Education plays an important role in the lives of individuals and communities, and can not be separated from public life. Educational needs of the community is increasingly rising, according to the times. Education is closely related to the values that exist in society and culture. So simple, however civilization of a society, in which the progress of an educational process. Moral degradation can occur because of a nation loses its identity. They can not defend what the credentials for this. They are complacent and are less able to filter out the culture in Indonesia. But in fact, these people have Pancasila. Pancasila is now beginning to fade characteristics of consciousness to experience it. Starting from the first to the fifth, all including various lines of human life lived. Therefore, we must consider the need to reaffirm the national identity, ideology. Deepening the values of Pancasila done through activities or experiences of concrete, so that the values of Pancasila embedded and terhayati in life. The moral quality of a nation must always be maintained and enhanced in accordance with the personality of the nation, as well as the people of Indonesia should maintain and improve its quality. The realization of the Indonesian nation that has quality is reflected by the good and bad things done by the people of Indonesia. In line with the goals of education includes an overview of the values of good, great, fast, true, and beautiful for life so when you want to become a quality they should pay more attention to moral education both through formal, informal and non-formal based on the values of Pancasila.


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