• Mahsunudin Mahsunudin STIT Suri Trenggalek


The most basic purpose of education is the creation of changes that are expected in all changes in the world of human life. And Allah wants all these changes to occur under the auspices of the Qur'an, under his inspiration, so that these changes are created in a good direction, as is the nature of the Qur'an itself. The purpose of any event in the life of a believer is to take lessons to increase their faith and attain a better position in the piety of Allah ta'ala. The form of education is not only a teaching process or information in the talaqqi forum but also in the form of training and practice in charity fields. The purpose of education in Islam also wants the formation of Muslim humans who have integrity in their personalities, the goodness of their speech is also manifested in good behavior, all of which are a reflection of the cleanliness of their hearts. In addition to being in the form of personal benefits for students, the results of education are also expected to be widely used in families, communities, and countries. The purpose of education in Islam is also to produce an independent person who continues to develop in goodness in all his basic potentials, because of the ability to evaluate, develop scientific fields, and innovate.


How to Cite
Mahsunudin, M. (2022). PANDANGAN AL-QUR’AN TERHADAP TUJUAN PENDIDIKAN. AL-IFKAR: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman, 17(01), 81-91. Retrieved from