Gait Portrait Of Islamic Boarding School Qomaruddin In Indonesia

  • Abdul Muid IAI Qomaruddin Graduate Program Director and Lecturer Pascasarjanan Islamic Institute Qomaruddin Bungah Gresik East Java
Kata Kunci: Development of da'wah mission-based Islamic Educational Aswaja, Human Resource Development School, a boarding school management Bulding elegant and modern and Bulding characteristics pesantren-based Islamic education


To realize the ideals of boarding Qomaruddin Bungah Gresik, East Java, Indonesia is a multi-functional, then the boarding school Qomaruddin should not be shut out of the development of the boarding school although in the digital era, as now, as well as their identity as combatants proselytizing based Islamic education Aswaja, human resources development, management of the boarding school featuring an elegant and modern, as Bulding characteristics pesantren-based Islamic education in children's character to deliver the nation for the realization of full human development in this beloved State


Al-Qur'a> n al-Kari> m.
See Pradjarta Dirdjosanjoto, Nurturing People: Kiai Kiai Pesantren-Violates Java (Yogyakarta: LKiS, 1999), 31.
See the Central Board Assembly Silaturrahim Kiai and Caregiver Pesantren Se-Indonesia, " Muqaddimah Statutes Silaturrahim Assembly Kiai and Caregiver Pesantren Se-Indonesia set on 21 Jumada Akhir 1430 H / June 14, 2009" , tp, tt.
See Husni Rahim, New Directions Education Islam in Indonesia, (Jakarta: PT. Logos Discourse Studies, 2001), Cet. I, p. 33-34.
Ibid., 58.
From infancy to the present, the role and function of schools is dynamic and not a single. However, there is the role and function of schools that continue to run consistently, ie, as (1) Transfer and transmission of religious knowledge or educational institutions and teaching tafaqquh fi al-din; (2) the institution cadre Kiai, scholars and preachers; (3) guards the traditions of Muslims, particularly Muslim-Sunni. Pesantren is able to respond to the dynamics of changes in various dimensions of life, in different ways and approaches. According Azyumardi Azra, there are at least two forms of boarding response to changes; First, revise the curriculum to incorporate more subjects or skills needed by the community; second, opened the institutional and educational facilities for the benefit of public education. In almost the same shape, Haydar Son Daulay, to mention three aspects of education reform Islam, namely (1) method, the method sorogan and wetonan to classical methods; (2) The contents, which have already started menadaptasi new material while retaining the yellow book reviews; and (3) Management, leadership tungal clerics toward democratization collective leadership (see Haydar Son Daulay, History of Growth and Renewal of Islamic Education in Indonesia , Jakarta: Kompas 2010), 53.
See Abd Rouf Djabir, History perkembagan boarding Qomaruddin , (Gresik: Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Qomaruddin Bungah, 2007), 6-7.
See Muhaimin, Management Education: Application In the preparation of the School Development Plan, Madrasah (Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group, 2011), 4-5
Ibid, 6-7.
As the person responsible for the implementation of education and teaching in educational institutions, should have the readiness and ability to evoke the spirit of personal work. A leader must also be able to create a conducive climate and atmosphere, safe, comfortable, peaceful, fun, and full of spirit in working for the workers and students. So that the implementation of education and teaching can be orderly and smoothly in achieving the desired objectives. This as told Foundation Hendyat Soetopo that educational leadership is an ability and a process of influencing, guiding, coordinating, and mobilizing others that have to do with the development of science education and teaching so that the activities undertaken can be more effective and efficient in achieving the goals of education and teaching (See Hendyat Soetopo, Introduction to Operations Administration Education , (Surabaya: National Business, 1982), 271.
Basically character Caregiver boarding school life is full with a very simple life, because Kiai taught to the students life-santrinya with a very simple life, tawa'dhu, Ikhlas Izzul fight in defending the interests of Islam, that the doctrine taught the Kiai told students-santrinya, [View Abd A'la, Updates Pesantren , (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pesantren, 2006), 9].
Based on the writer's observation, after a close look at educational institutions Pondok Pesantren Qomaruddin Sampurnan Bungah Gresik on November 1, 2012.
See Documentation Pondok Pesantren Qomaruddin dated May 10, 2013
See Editorial Team, "Pondok Pesantren Qomaruddin" Pondok Pesantren Monthly Magazine, Issue 2 (Gresik: Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Qomaruddin, 2009), 66.
See Documentation Pondok Pesantren Qomaruddin dated May 10, 2013.
See Documentation Pondok Pesantren Qomaruddin dated May 12, 2013.
M.Khusnan, Interview, Gresik May 9, 2013
See Magazine Qomaruddin, Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Qomaruddin , Issue IV / June, (Bungah, 2016), 19 on October 21, 2012
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